Bob Weisenmiller is one of the world’s leading voices on energy. For more than nine years, he served at the California Energy Commission under Republican and Democratic administrations. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger first appointed him as a commissioner in 2010. Then, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. appointed him as Chair of the Energy Commission in 2011 to guide energy planning and policy in the Golden State.
Bob was instrumental in shaping California’s pioneering energy policies. In his leadership role, he aimed to address exponential electricity growth, costs, and environmental impacts through greenhouse gas-reducing solutions, advancing cost-effective energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances, encouraging innovative clean energy projects, and implementing the state’s electricity demand forecast. That forecast is the foundation of the state’s highly analytical and comprehensive electric system planning.
Previously, Bob cofounded and managed MRW & Associates, using his expertise to assist businesses, financial institutions, and public regulatory agencies in strategic planning, policy development, energy market analysis and regulation, power pricing for qualifying facility projects, marginal cost analysis, rate design, and implication of utility mergers.
He provided expert witness testimony to more than 100 state and federal public regulatory agency and court proceedings. He has authored numerous publications on electricity and natural gas markets.
Bob has a Ph.D. in chemistry and a master of science in energy and resources from the University of California, Berkeley. He earned a bachelor of science in chemistry from Providence College.
Bob was awarded the 26th Annual Edmund G. “Pat” Brown Award for 2021 by the California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance.